David and the Hollywood connection

How many yoga teachers do you know personally, that have appeared in a Hollywood motion picture opposite Hilary Swank and Christopher Eccleston?
Two, David and Jürgen, formerly of Camps Bay, Cape Town.Mira Nair, internationally renowned and award winning director was in Cape Town during July and August 2008, to complete her latest project. "Amelia", a motion picture based on the life of first women pilot, Amelia Erhart. The film stars Hilary Swank as Amelia, Richard Gere as her husband. Christopher Eccleston is the navigator on her flights and Ewan McGregor a love interest.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
David introduced Mira to Iyengar yoga in 1995 and she regularly attended classes with him until moving to New York. Mira asked David to be available to teach regular yoga classes whilst filming. Yoga classes were taught daily at their hotel; the group of yogis varied from only a few regulars to a large number of newcomers. Mostly Mira and some of her crew (and cast) attended classes, among others the director of photography, directors of set and costume design, producers and sound recorders.It was arranged for us to give Hilary and her staff a class at their boutique hotel - a chance to get up close to this two time Oscar winning actress. David made quiet an impact on her and on subsequent meetings on the movie set, we kept reminding her of keeping her posture. Hilary particularly disliked Paschima Namaskar (hands behind the back in prayer position) but smilingly worked those palms together.Mira informed us that she had cast us both in the movie as Mali officials, that we would be contacted to have a costume fitting and then be on set the following Saturday.Our day on set was exhausting as much as it was amazing.As special guests of the director we got VIP treatment from private trailer in which to get into costume and transport onto the set. Once on the set we found ourselves facing the "Electra" on the landing strip in the African scene of Mali. The scene was set: Amelia and her navigator would disembark, be rushed by a crowd of local children, be greeted by the 2 Mali officials, sign fuel documents and then move off to explore the African scene.After a few rehearsals, we were wired for sound and with the words "ACTION" we became part of this movie, shaking hands with Hilary Swank and Christopher Eccleston, "Welcome to Mali, Miss Erhart, Mr Noonen"We thought that we might slip into extras oblivion, just more bodies to fill in the background - but to quote Mira: "Yoga nepotism" and with that she immortalized her yoga teachers.It doesn't get much better than that - or does it? We had heard from Mira that Richard Gere had arrived for his part of this shoot in South Africa. She had invited him to yoga classes but he told her that he had loads of lines to learn. However, one evening on our way to dinner with the yogis, we met Richard quite by chance, we were introduced and enchanted by this gentle man.Thereafter, all that was left were a few more classes and we would be driving back home to our sleepy village by the sea.The last class was an emotional one, saying good bye to new friends and old ones.One final high as Richard Gere slipped into the last row onto a mat to join in for the last class. They all worked hard, considering the amount of physical and emotional effort required to complete this movie. Mira had started her few weeks of yoga with us, barely able to move with serious lower back pain and now was able to bend like the yogi she truly is.After everyone had left, we spent the next hour in private conversation with Mr. Gere himself. Sharing his passion for his study of Buddhism, his family and career.
A special and never-to-be-forgotten moment that ended our connection with Hollywood.
If you had a chance to see the movie when it was released late 2009, you will notice that we are not in the scene...pity, we were looking forward to a new career in the movie business :)